Rebecca Chiaro


Data Driven Educator

Data Analyst | Excel | Tableau | SQL

Math Nerd | Traveler | Soccer player | Big sweet tooth!

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About Me

I have been teaching high school math for 7 years. I got really interested in data during the covid years of teaching. Online teaching provided me with charts to visually see common answers or common missed questions. Analyzing the data made it easier for me to better understand my student’s areas of struggle. I have become an inspiring data analyst ever since. I’ve always been into spotting the patterns and being a problem solver in random every day situations. I’ve played soccer my whole life and coached 5 years, so I consider myself a big team player. I have a bachelor’s degree in Math and a master’s in Education. I’m passionate about traveling and experiencing different cultures. I use culture in my teaching to help explain things in order to make it relevant and allow people to make their connections. I’m a very competitive person when it comes to playing games, but I think it’s really important to always try to help others. I also think it’s important to never stop learning and growing.

Math nerd and traveler! Cat lady but not crazy!